I started concentrating so hard on my vision that I lost sight. -Robin Green
The mind is the playground/breeder of various monsters, seraphic creatures, and all things that are to take their realistic forms. Creativity broods in our minds and hatches in our hands. Formation is first within, reality is without; the former requires concentration, the latter execution. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without the power of immersion through the mechanics & workings of the mind.
I have always been inspired by what man has accomplished through the power of immersion. It’s amazing, the rate or how swift the mind works to produce result, analyze situations, or for example, have curative measures to deadly diseases; the rate of failure skyrockets at an innumerable attempts. Take the disease “black death” for example, men weren’t scared to try pseudo-curative processes like: “to live in the sewer, let leeches suck to dry, exorcises the patient or the victim of such terrible woes, wash with urine”; immersion makes man ‘attempt’ because there is a stipulated time attached to its completion.
It is amazing what an immersed mind can achieve when brought to a focus for a solution. When the mind is fully immersed, it leaves no room for defeat; it drives men within the bound(s) of ingenuity to produce result. It was the power of immersion that possessed the severally expelled Karl Marx to pour countless hours into his radical writing, his masterwork of economic theory, his belief or ideals; the self-proclaimed revolutionary spent his 5-month Paris honeymoon publishing a revolutionary work called The Franco-German year Books, followed by a 15 months studying and writing.
The Messiah anthem, an oratorio was completed in 24 days of swift composition by George Frideric Handel. Such vivid or imaginary demonstration of finest / ethereal performance could only have been created from crossing the bound of consciousness into something spiritual; when on the dying bed, men are often immersed in the now, to summary and give meaning to their lives.
So, when next you are faced with a monstrous problem or like to breakthrough a situation, it will only take time, but it will be done; engage ‘the power of immersion’, Learn from saadi’s lines and become the achiever you have always dreamt of becoming:
A little and a little, collected together, Become a great deal; the heap in the barn consists of single grains, And drop and drop makes an inundation.
For you to utilize the power of immersion, you must find your passion as it relates to meaning in life. Your passion will keep you awake. Your passion is the burning desire of your heart, the prime concentric possessor of your time.
Believe in what you are doing. Believe sustains passion. A grain of faith is all you need to push passion to profitability.
Do good, it entices mighty force(s) to assist.