On motivation

Reading without meditation is arid, meditation without reading is erroneous ; prayer without meditation is tepid,meditation without prayer is fruitless – Guigo, the ladder of monks.

Someone complained to me that “the amount of motivational materials or lines per day could fill a century of history”. For me, the problem ain’t the lines nor the tons of “weighty” sayings nor the sayer/poster of such but the degree of action in which they were/are being carried out. Motivation is never enough. We need to renew our minds daily. We need the pill of motivation to cure our emotive inhibitors such as fear, lackadaisical approach to winning etc. To post a motivational line isn’t an offense. The situation could be, that the paster wants to be inspired by his posted lines or the paster wants others to be blessed or the paster wants to show and impress others, to show that he belongs to a higher wavelength of hope. The rule is oft simple, ignore the noise, make use of the relevant – sounds romantic enough to keep a sane relationship with time.


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