The Eyes are useless when the Mind is blind. – Anonymous
We all as Creative professionals are performers. A performer could exhibit stage fright on function. Let’s admit it, the artist shivers at the sight of a blank canvas, a writer could stare at a blank page for hours without a drop of ink, the Composer might dread the sound of silence looming his studio. It is easier to watch the ‘Angel on the piano play’, ‘the butterfly fluttering its wings’ but such grandeur takes immense practice and conduct at act.
Fear has a way of blocking the “muse”, the source of inspiration. The mind breeds various studs; some are bold but lack wisdom; some are skilful but lack a muscle of boldness. A free mind knows no bound and fear, It is like a boundless galaxy liberated from various species of monsters. To free one’s mind is to allow the exploratory spirit to be at work. Take that step; forget the naysayers, forget those that are ready to ruin before the product is formed and bring your Chutzpah to work.