Follow what assists your dream

Building dreams

Don’t follow your dream – lead it! – Gloria Feldt.

Social media platform is a virtual community of communities, a place you ‘enter’ with keen intention of lighted focus and can end up trading time for fruitlessness if measures and consciousness aren’t mounted. Not all information is profitable, some leaves us sad and confused than we were. If following ‘mister-million-likes’ will not assists your growth, why bask in his copious store of rotten peas? If he doesn’t provide us with pleasure of wits and character worth emulating, why trailing his path of despair? Information must be sieved to enrich the mind; without a mesh of ‘filtered follower-ship’, even the least of contaminated information can destroy an organ of dreams thought fit for reality. We must therefore review and justify why we choose to ‘follow’ and discard the dictate and assemblage of folly.


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